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This week’s build has slightly fewer changes to it, as the team took time off to spend time with their families for the holiday, but we still have some very exciting changes to this version of Fictorum! Chip overhauled our Event, History, and Game Over screens and we have brand new music!

Indie of the Year Voting

Make sure you go vote for your favorite indie game of the year!

Fictorum 0.8.8 Patch Notes

Major Changes

Improved Event, Character History, and Game Over Screens

We’ve previously mentioned in our Kickstarter video that we’ve wanted to play as that epic wizard of that we hear about in many fantasy stories. We’ve been trying to convey that to the player not only through gameplay, but also by writing all of our text-based events in past tense and by through creating a character history at the end of a playthrough, showing that the player’s triumphs and failures were remembered through the ages.

Chip had the idea to combine our history, event, and game over windows to help impress the idea more clearly to the player. He worked to include the event window within the history window and, upon starting a new event, the window quickly scrolls down through all of the entries to the latest one, allowing the player to take action.

As the player progresses, icons will appear at the bottom of each location in the character history that share additional story tidbits with the player. If the Fictorum dies, a final entry is added and shown to the player.


New Music

Rainfall whipped up some great new music for Fictorum! Here’s a sample of each:

Corrupted Faction Music

Bug fixes and Minor Enhancements

  • Fixed a bug that would cause Temprae and Myglia Marshlands to load improperly
  • More item affixes have been added for chapters 5-8
  • Fixed a issue that would occasionally prevent interaction with the inventory rune set menu
  • The player third person camera will respond better while inside buildings
  • The campfire on the title screen is no longer audible
  • Enemy spawns on the Desert Bridge map are now working properly
  • Corrupted assassins should be slightly easier to see
  • Spell details on inventory tooltips will properly update after enchantment
  • Bandit sentinel towers should no longer spawn with archers
  • Character history will now track player choices made and the current chapter
  • Archers will continue to fire at the player after the player has been knocked down


Coming Weeks

Chip is currently occupied with singing Christmas songs around Seattle, so December will likely be a lighter month for the SBG team, but we’ll be back to full strength soon enough! Greg will be hosting another solo Twitch stream on Tuesday, December 13th at 8PM PT. We hope to see you there!

Talk to you next time! Updates can come straight to you by subscribing to our newsletter below:

Please let us know what you think about our latest changes in the comments below (we read and respond to each one). Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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